Morning Meds
Day 12—Special Needs Edition
I only write love poems
The kind that no one reads
The kind that makes you look like you are sick or you're diseased
I only write love poems
Because I am in love
Won't apologize or compromise or
Be silent like a dove
Rhyming or couplets or limericks alike
I just can't seem to shake my plight
Of un-marketability and shame
Crazy enough to love
That is my name
Last week was a big week for our
family. Two of us were featured in our Local paper, celebrated for our signature
strengths and the things we love to do most. Pretty exciting stuff!
In the article about Christian I was so excited that the reporter quoted me as saying that I believe we all have special needs. Most people would agree we're all special which makes that statement not too controversial, I suppose.
So ride the short bus with me this morning as I tell you mine. Even as much as I preach this Idea I think it's so normal to feel uncomfortable with the things you feel you need that no one else seems to. Me too.
I've noticed that I need "a container" of sorts for the love in my heart. It's always felt wrong to me because I had an image of love as a river and you needed a situation like the Nile where there's movement in and out, otherwise it would be like The Dead Sea, stagnant and disease - infested. So I asked God for further explanation and He said my love right now is just a seed and only needs good soil. And that's what I have and all that I have and need. Coupled with acceptance it's truly all I need in this moment and it's all I have.
I don't think I told a good story today but I have a communication style that I've learned and want to reveal. My strategy is to open a vein to my audience/reader and let them watch me bleed, then hand them the knife.
Now you can wipe it off, but you know what's coming. I have found self-examination happens better with role modeling and a loving friend. I hope to be that to you and help you advocate for your own special needs.
Love is a seed
How can I sow it
And expect you to grow into my arms
A complete embrace of God's purpose for our
Love is a seed
Your soil is deep
Drawing me in
Pulling your love out of hibernation into the
sun where it's warm
And healed
Love is a seed into the future
Tomorrow is a promise
Rarely kept
And though Faith and Hope may fade and fall
Love is a seed
And love never dies