Thursday, December 18, 2014

Amends, Part 2

Morning Meds 2.18

Amends, Part2
Are you ready for some heart work? I've already given you two weeks off writing, which is more than I ever get! Ha!

Why would we write an amends? Some people are just unsafe to be around, but forgiveness may still be an issue. You do not have to be held hostage if they do not desire to change!

By writing an amends letter you free yourself from all the things you've wanted to say and never could. Not only that, you've got it all out at one time and in one place.

I've discovered learning this spiritual equation works every time. Extreme honesty + pain = supernatural improvement! 

How does it work? I have NO IDEA!

But work it does...I leave you now with the heart work of forgiveness. This equation cost me blood, sweat and tears. Now I know it was all for my clients. ..and for you!

 Felicity Cordially Invites You....
The best way to end 2015!
New Year's Eve Intention Party
6:30 pm (CST) on 12-30-14 Community Room in Minooka
121 Mc Evily Rd.
(Games, Prizes & "Tastefully Simple" Treats!)
Please RSVP to this email.
You can also tell me your 2015 intention 
I will give it to you in 2016!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Accept The New You!

Morning Meds 2.17 Live


"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."

Monday, December 8, 2014


Morning Meds 2.16

Now that I've got you writing love poems (you did do it right?) this next assignment should be easy!
I find I am recommending the Amends process more and more to my clients. Some of you know I have a background in recovery and that's where this idea comes from. Amends are meant to free us from the bondage of unforgiveness. It has been said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. So how can we be free from life's unfairnesses? I'll be addressing this answer over the next couple of blogs.

The first line of defense is laid out in the Word of God, "If your brother offends you go to him." As simple as that is all I can tell you from experience is that nobody does that! We talk to other people about the problem but we don't tell the people we're offended with in an unoffensive way.

But God encourages us to, as much as we can, live at peace with every person. Most of the time just going to them as diplomatically as possible solves it. I even recommend practicing with a friend!

But what if talking to the person  isn't a good idea? What if the person you're angry with is no longer alive? That's where the letter comes in. ..guess I'll give you one more week on that!

Save The Date
For the best way to end 2015!

New Year's Eve Intention Party
6:30 pm on 12-30-14
Community Room in Minooka. Be the first to reserve your spot!
(More details to come!)

"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."