Friday, April 22, 2016

Gone Too Soon

Morning Meds 5.4

I hope you'll indulge me. I don't believe in idols, American or otherwise, my trust is in God, but three people who remind me of some very good moments in my childhood are now gone. I think this prayer from Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson III is incredibly honorable on this occasion.

A prayer for anyone called to greatness and visibility on a large scale: 
Lord, don't let my calling kill me, my influence ruin me or the crowd be my demise. Teach me pace, give me grace and help me finish well!!!!!! Teach me to manage the pressures of my purpose. Give me the wisdom to say "no", the courage to say "yes" and discernment to know whose really for me. Help me to govern my platform and steward my gifts and let me die when I'm very very old! In Jesus name!!!!!
Felicity Joy                                                         

"Sorry" Like Bieber

Morning Meds 5.3
Ever since I started this Reconciliation group on Facebook about America's Racial Climate, I find myself apologizing a lot! I do think apologies are way underrated as are relationships. In fact, that's probably part of why I apologize so much.

People don't really address offenses directly and if I think I've hurt someone I have to check in. And the Bible says God doesn't even want my offering if I don't! (Matthew 5:24)

It still feels weird though, in a good way. It's great to get the full story when my mind was stuck in wonder woman mode trying to figure it out.

But we need to care for our relationships. It's so important to God, He created us all and You'll feel such pleasure from Him when you do everything you can to live at peace with others.

Felicity Joy

What's Eating You?

Morning Meds 5.2
What's Eating You? 
Recently I've been more committed to healthy eating than ever before. I notice the effect on my body and mental state. I've also been practicing some mindful eating strategies. One of them is listening to myself chew. It slows me down and somehow lets me know when I'm full. The interesting thing about slowing down when I eat, make food choices and grocery shop, is being able to hear all the mind games that go on surrounding these things. Hearing all the lies and unhelpful thoughts really underscores that it's all "in your head." I'm thankful to be more in alignment with what will ultimately help me feel better and that I'm not only feeding my body better, but I'm cutting out the "junk food" my brain was consuming as well.
*Check out my friend that inspired me to slow down in all things food related. 

Felicity Joy


Morning Meds 5.1
We can't talk about where we're going until we recognize what we're leaving behind. We can't talk appreciate fulness until we recognize how empty we are. This is the significance of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter.
We're reminded to ask, what things in us need to die and what things in life do we need to empty out.
Let's take the time to do that so we don't miss the true beauty and depth of the resurrection in store for us. 

Felicity Joy