It’s extra nice when your nurses smell good and you smell soooo bad!
Surgery is a chiropractor’s best friend.
When you’re alone someone’s always there…pray for the right presence.
I now know why they believe it’s preferable to send you home with a blood bag. (A hospital bed is no place for a relatively healthy person.)
I have determined…the joy of the Lord is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
Some trust in chariots, some in horses…but I will remember the name of the Lord my God. (Psalm 20:7)
(In prayer for an old friend) The seed will not return void, even if it skips a generation!
Dancing is mostly not for a stage, unless that stage is the top of the devil’s head.
The teacher has sent me to the chalkboard of my mind to write 100 times “I will not go to surgery with hair on my arms again. I will not go to surgery with hair on my arms again!”
Smartest move: Playing worship music I don’t know so I can’t strain my voice.
Smoothest move: When the nurse walked in, after we turned the beautiful worship musical off, and said, “Wow, this room is so peaceful.”
God did NOT break the mold when He made me. I have now been told, for like the 87th time in my life, that I look JUST LIKE this girl someone knows. I literally put people into shock. It’s incredible.
Battle scars are fitting for warriors.
I'm still not certain that I understand the difference between discomfort and pain...just fix it!
(For the beginning of this story, go to
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