Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 5

A Review of My Clients
After each 12 week session I ask my clients for a review, both for marketing purposes and to learn. In fact, I've referred to my clients as my teachers several times and it's too true. I thought you might enjoy my reviews of them. Consider it My chocolate-covered thank you just in time for Valentine's Day.
MH-- my first client with traditional SMART goals, measurable and authentic. I learned from you. .. what I do actually works!!!
VH-- Having measurable goals is preferable, but what fun we had splashing around in the pool of learning figuring that out, laughing and rejoicing in our ignorance and seemingly pointless conversations, from which I always walked away happier than before the phone rang.
SD-- Now I know why we shout "Surprise!" at some parties. Unexpected moments are such a gift. .. like when you cried and I so didn't see it coming. Really, I could never see you coming. Keeping me off balance made me stronger and more limber.
MS--I know we're not done quite yet, but I want you to know you taught me how to listen. I thought I knew, but you taught me better. Very fitting because you yourself are an excellent listener.
SK-- You were the first one who saw in me what I see. Some of the most beautiful words in the universe right?  "I see you." Thank you.
DS-- What can I say? From you I've learned mercy because I've been where you've been. I've also learned real plutonic love between a man and a woman. Thank you for showing me that was possible.
Thank you all for reading my meds. May you concentrate more this week on who you are loving than who's loving you.


  1. I love this! Great post and thanks for the kind words :) Working with you has been life altering at a much needed time in my life!

    1. I'm so thankful! Can you believe I'm just now seeing this? Maybe there's a setting where they'll actually tell me if I have a comment.
