I feel like I'm on a journey. My quest is to find diverse thinkers. Actually, we're all diverse thinkers, but not all of us embrace that. Some of us still have that awkward feeling like in Junior High and we're waiting for the "in crowd" to accept us. This happens on our jobs, in our neighborhoods and even in faith communities. You may come from a certain faith-based community or maybe you come from a more secular based community. Within these communities people tend to gain a perception where some are viewed as getting it right, but they just can't figure it out.
What if you didn't believe that anymore? What if you believe your journey is your journey and that you’re ok with that? When you become your own best friend you begin to create your own in crowd.
I've seen that shift change the lives of clients and friends. By having the courage to hold people accountable to their own values I have seen the love begin to shine through them and fear begin to fade.
Are you the next divergent I've been waiting to talk to? How do you feel different from the crowd? I've been encouraged recently to not call myself weird, the more other people share with me their uniqueness the better I feel about that.
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