Sunday, April 26, 2015

Why Morning Meds?

Morning Meds 2.26

Why Morning Meds?


I'm turning the corner in my love/ hate relationship with

feedback...I used to hate it, now I love it! I was blessed to get

some feedback from my friend Karina, "Why Meds?" She

said that word wasn't very attractive to her...

Guess what? Me either? In fact, the title Morning Meds,

represents a life lesson I never want to forget. How do

you deal with disappointment? How do you deal with not

being healed the way you wanted to be? Yes, I'm free from

cancer, yes I'm grateful; but do I really want to take this

thyroid medication for the rest of my life? At the age of 30

that was just NOT what I wanted to hear.

So, anybody out there ever swam da Nile? I used to pretty

well live there. Denial is a pretty sad way to go. Life's trying

to teach you a lesson, you're trying to see how far you can

get your fingers in your ears to keep from hearing it.

In order to combat that, I've learned how to give a healthy

hug to life's disappointments. "Come on over here and play

nice," I say. "There, there, everything always turns out


So I named my blog, where I do all my over sharing with

you...tell you all my hopes, dreams and desires; and give you

my best life lessons...I named it the very thing I didn't want

to accept. Morning Meds, embracing my pain that has

become my platform.


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