Friday, June 17, 2016

Push It

Morning Meds 5.6
One of my friends described someone he knows as a work horse. I was immediately envious. I am so not like that!!! Why do we always want to be something we're not! People with curly hair want straight hair, people with straight hair want I just cut all mine off!

But these issue are hard to avoid. Another thing I have desired in the past, was a life that was just about one thing. Like how someone knows when they're 5 that they want to be a writer and that's what they're doing. I've become more comfortable in my multi-talent, multi-focus, but now I am working on loving my pace and being understanding about where I'm at.

Being hard on myself has never accomplished anything. Only the Holy Spirit identifying an issue and helping me work on it. I'm pushing myself to believe in myself. I'm pushing myself into God's arms. Let's go together!

Felicity Joy

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