Thursday, December 18, 2014

Amends, Part 2

Morning Meds 2.18

Amends, Part2
Are you ready for some heart work? I've already given you two weeks off writing, which is more than I ever get! Ha!

Why would we write an amends? Some people are just unsafe to be around, but forgiveness may still be an issue. You do not have to be held hostage if they do not desire to change!

By writing an amends letter you free yourself from all the things you've wanted to say and never could. Not only that, you've got it all out at one time and in one place.

I've discovered learning this spiritual equation works every time. Extreme honesty + pain = supernatural improvement! 

How does it work? I have NO IDEA!

But work it does...I leave you now with the heart work of forgiveness. This equation cost me blood, sweat and tears. Now I know it was all for my clients. ..and for you!

 Felicity Cordially Invites You....
The best way to end 2015!
New Year's Eve Intention Party
6:30 pm (CST) on 12-30-14 Community Room in Minooka
121 Mc Evily Rd.
(Games, Prizes & "Tastefully Simple" Treats!)
Please RSVP to this email.
You can also tell me your 2015 intention 
I will give it to you in 2016!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Accept The New You!

Morning Meds 2.17 Live


"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."

Monday, December 8, 2014


Morning Meds 2.16

Now that I've got you writing love poems (you did do it right?) this next assignment should be easy!
I find I am recommending the Amends process more and more to my clients. Some of you know I have a background in recovery and that's where this idea comes from. Amends are meant to free us from the bondage of unforgiveness. It has been said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. So how can we be free from life's unfairnesses? I'll be addressing this answer over the next couple of blogs.

The first line of defense is laid out in the Word of God, "If your brother offends you go to him." As simple as that is all I can tell you from experience is that nobody does that! We talk to other people about the problem but we don't tell the people we're offended with in an unoffensive way.

But God encourages us to, as much as we can, live at peace with every person. Most of the time just going to them as diplomatically as possible solves it. I even recommend practicing with a friend!

But what if talking to the person  isn't a good idea? What if the person you're angry with is no longer alive? That's where the letter comes in. ..guess I'll give you one more week on that!

Save The Date
For the best way to end 2015!

New Year's Eve Intention Party
6:30 pm on 12-30-14
Community Room in Minooka. Be the first to reserve your spot!
(More details to come!)

"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."

Friday, November 28, 2014

Of Taylor and Timberlake

Morning Meds 2.15

Of Taylor and Timberlake
Trying on my hat as the queen of the over share, Taylor Swift! (And yes you'll see it in my next hair style...ha!) So as Justin Timberlake brought sexy back so I reintroduce you to the simple love poem, hopefully reminding you of the joy it brings. Write one to the one you love today...see how easy it is?
On a gray day
In a city full of history and power
something inexplicable happened walking next to you
down the art museum hallways.
Questions without answers
Smiles for no reason
Can you see the photographer in the model's eyes? 
For every painting we saw spoke of the artist, so what does that say?
And maybe I am a lovely flower.
And maybe you're a dream come true.
But certainly
We're learning to honor
With patience and purity
The God of the
The flower
And the dream come true.

"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."
Click here for past editions of Morning Meds
Click here to see my new website

Monday, November 24, 2014

Strategy for Falling

Morning Meds 2.14

Strategy For Falling
Support lines

I love it when people say I'm strong. It gives me an opportunity to set the record straight. I always say that I am not strong, but I have very good support.

Thinking about my hero Nik Wallenda, people always try to add to his stunts to make them seem more believable, I've heard he's actually wearing a parachute, or there's invisible nets or support lines. Nik Wallenda said his only strategy for falling was to cling to the rope itself and hope for the best. That's all we can do if we live a fearless life of risk-taking, which I have chosen to do. But we should have some kind of plan.

A Proverb states that, "a man plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps." Can we presume then that if you don't plan, God won't give direction? That seems 100% true in the lives of my clients.

On my tight rope journey of late I've had to cling to the rope of my supporters, trading the love of someone who no longer is committed to me for those whose love is only growing brighter for me through the years.

I've also found music to be an important strategy for me. I tripled my music budget to help get me through this season, when no one answers on the other end of the phone, songs are always there as my friends reminding me of Love's constant presence.

What about you? Even if you're undefeated like Nik Wallenda, do you have a strategy for if you fall? Keep it simple so you can remember and meditate on it even when you're despairing or confused. My one sentence to take me into my next season, "I chose joy!" (It's a good choice.)

"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Remembering the Munroes

Morning Meds 2.13 Live

Remembering Myles & Ruth Munroe 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Artist of Teetering

Morning Meds 2.12

The Artist of Teetering
Funambulism (how's that for a cool word!) is the art of teetering, or tightrope walking, if you will.
It's foremost artist is Nik Wallenda, and if you're a Chicagoan, you surely know that he successfully walked between the Marina Towers here this week.

I love to speak about this model of balance that this art creates for a life well lived. Last night I learned a new lesson associated with balanced living...Patience. The broadcast began at 6, but we didn't know when the 8 minutes of walking would begin. I waited on a nearby rooftop about an hour and a half to see it.

Wallenda says "Life is on the wire, everything else is just waiting." Waiting for conditions to be right, waiting for our focus to be clear, waiting for the safety precautions to be securely in place.

I know something of this waiting for life. It's hard to envision yourself in a fulfilling relationship without a picture to put in that place. So I think God gave me a bookmark to save my place in this book of life for the last year and a half, but looking at a bookmark isn't the same as reading/writing your story.
It seems most fitting then, that on the night I got to see my hero live, I got to take some of my first steps. I'm no longer waiting. I too am living on the wire!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Joy and Pain

Morning Meds 2.11

Joy and Pain

Some of you may remember the song from the turned snappy title for this week's blog!

When I opened the nightstand drawer on my last day of Canadian bliss (more on that later) my heart leapt as I saw this old-fashioned relic with the timeless message.
Intending to do my devotional time, I instead turned to the first page (pictured here) and was blessed by another timeless story. The Gideons sacrificed both finances and reputation to see that a Bible would be placed in every hotel that would have them and I was inspired once again.

I believe there were actually people I inspired in this very hotel, to pick up and open their copies and today my joy humbles me. At the same time I contemplate the pain of this fact: I was the first person to open my copy of this Bible. And though I hope the people that have stayed in this room before perhaps used their Bible app as I did this week, the reality is that most people don't know how to extract wisdom from the pages as I've been taught.

So I share with you my today's Dear Diary entry, as accountability that I too will share the timeless truths and lessons that I have been blessed with to a world that may not have met the Author of the unopened love letter in their hotel rooms.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Teaches Us to Be Present

Morning Meds 2.10

Fall Teaches Us To Be Present
We can choose to worry about the winter to come, lament the summer that was too cool, for some; or enjoy nature as she shows off her variety and sensitivity (I turn colors when I get chilly too :-). Actually, there is something to enjoy in every weather phenomenon if you look for it. Rainy days are so refreshing, the air feels so clean; cold days make you feel alive like an ice bucket challenge! The only problem I have with “perfect” days is how people talk about how they won’t last. I would love to see people that live in this neck of the woods embrace the extremes that are offered…or move…without complaining…Just a suggestion from the peanut gallery. I present you with the opportunity to unwrap the present called Autumn. Let it remind you that the only time on the clock is…


Friday, October 17, 2014

What You Mean To Me

Morning Meds 2.9

This is to my mentor, who shall remain nameless. She strikes me as pretty humble, so I won't embarrass her. On our last phone call I promised I would explain to her why she means what she does to me. Enjoy my open letter to a phenomenal woman.

You want me to love you for the wise words you say, you want to replicate for me what your mentor gave you. What you are giving me now is the woman she helped to develop.

You appreciate my strengths, which is not an easy thing. One of my signature strengths is wisdom and um, I think I'm twice your age (give or take). So no, I don't need your wisdom as it is traditionally thought of, but knowing when not to speak is probably harder.

Knowing who you are is cool and everyone celebrates that, but knowing who you're not is what makes room for you in this world. You listen to me quietly enough that I can hear myself with enough refraction from your light that I see more clearly.

Capturer of the heart of God. 

Thank you for being my friend and yes, a mentor to me.

                   Starting in 2 Weeks!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What I learned from Temple Grandin and Donnie

Morning Meds 2.8

I recently watched one of my she-roes on Ted Talks. Temple Grandin, the most famous person with autism to write or teach, gave a speech, which of course showed her imminent brilliance. I was only a little disappointed because since my son Christian joined the speech team I thought it would be fun to have him do one of her speeches for competition. Alas, her speeches are quite episodic and she doesn't stay on one theme which is the convention. And heck, I'm glad she's unconventional... that suits her fine. 

One of her topics was about how visual minds like hers were comparable to the animal brain. She said, think of how a dog sniffs a tree, and gets all that good information just from that…  what dogs have been there, how long ago, etc. 
So of course, every time my dog Donnie sniffs a tree I'm so intrigued. I've been watching his instincts as I've been following my own lately. 

So there's something about instinct that I hadn't been told, but am definitely learning now, instinct within us as humans often needs to be freed to work. There is something, often different for each of us that hold our instincts hostage. We need to identify that to be free and make more decisions inline with what God has created us to do.

One of the ways we can do that (she said innocently) is with a life coach! I'm excited to be rolling out a new program, and if you know any entrepreneur with a network marketing or other kind of business who's struggling, please pass this along. I'm ignoring the traditions and following my instincts on this one, so I think I'll be a good role model for those who need support :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Tale of Two Dreams

MOrning Meds Live! 2.7:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Write Now!

Morning Meds 2.6

I used to just write these Morning Meds when I "felt the inspiration hit," which is why sometimes I would miss a week and they wouldn't come out until the following Sunday. My writing has become more disciplined and I'm excited about that because there are other areas of my life that are looking to see me win at this. 

If you're in a business, you can't just wait until you feel like it to market it, you have to take advantage of the marketing channels provided and go for it. As an ambassador for Jesus, sometimes I'm called upon when I'm not feeling it, to speak on His behalf...and I want to be available at all times for Him. 

Now is much better than never, and isn't it great to finally beat the disappointment and get it done write now!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Odds in Your Favor

Morning Meds 2.5

Research has shown that company trainings paired with coaching prove 300% more effective than trainings without. (Leadership Coaching, Stoltzfus) This proves the huge impact of accountability and working together. 

This week I got to make good on my coaching slogan "helping people achieve their 90 day goals in 30 days." In just 3 weeks I was able to help a client achieve goals that had eluded her for years. I am certain that with an additional 60 days of accountability that our sessions call for, she will find that she has made a lifestyle change and not a momentary breakthrough.

I want to encourage you to get accountability on your most important goals and see the 300% effectiveness tip the scales in your favor!

PS. Looking for some awesome forward thinkers to partner with? Check out Lonnetta Albright's upcoming leadership conference featuring John Maxwell!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morning Meds 2.4

Morning Meds 2.4
How May I Help You?

As many of you know, I’ve spent the last year intentionally forming relationships in order to build a business. I’ve also attempted to connect more with you through these weekly blogs. And if I have your number you may have noticed I’m calling a bit more. I’m in a season of connections and in the process I’ve realized I know some of the most talented and caring people, people with vision and purpose. It is my desire now that my network would be your network…
So what do you need? Do you need childcare? Help to start a business? Marketing ideas? I want to connect you with people I can personally vouch for, many of whose services I’ve used myself. I also know some tremendous prayer warriors, so if you just need agreement in prayer I’ve got your back on that too! We are seeing mountains moved!
Hit reply…private message me…comment below if you feel ok doing that. Whatever you’d like. This week I’ve just got to be all about you, and I can’t say thank you enough for all the support you all have given me over this year.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Morning Meds 2.2

I gotta say...I love this website! I've gone nuts for it ever since I heard of it, but now that I got my first letters from the past I am convinced!

What is futureme? It's a website that allows you to write an email today and send it to yourself or someone else, weeks or even years later. As a student and heavy believer in goals this is a great way to visualize what you believe will happen in the future and send encouragement about it, vision and reasons for it on ahead.

I feel a greater connection to my goals remembering the reasons for them from a year ago. It also memorialized a special moment in time where I'd had some revelations about life. It's like reading an old diary but even more intentional.

I'd like to challenge you (yes you!) to write a letter to the future you...or to someone you care about. It feels like time travel in the best way, allowing you to time capsule your current affections and inspirations. Who knows what challenges await you in the future that an encouraging word from today could remedy.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Morning Meds, Month 2! Day One

Morning Meds
Month 2! Day One

I'm enjoying a renewed season of focus sponsored by the power of the word No! My pastor once said "Creativity is the discovery of options, focus is the elimination of them. "
That elimination process can be so difficult. Sometimes we have our hearts bound to things we think we should...but they are not always bringing us benefit for our future.
And the benefits of saying no crept up on me. First it's just pain, then I look up months later and I find I'm more myself and I know what I'm doing; I'm making less excuses and getting the necessary things done.
A word like dynamite to me...the little word No.

May you wield it with wisdom
may you say it afraid
may it silence the voices that always rain on your parade :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 31

                   Love Like Crazy

Been thinking about love a lot lately. Mostly thinking about loving people the way I want to be loved and how fulfilling that really is!

Monday night I watched an awesome movie in an awesome way. The Academy Award winning "Her" was only made more special for me by watching it on Vid Angel. I felt very loved by this company that I could watch this compelling movie without the filth inserted that makes it "contemporary." (I got to see first hand that all the cursing and sex were completely unnecessary to further the plot).

Anyway, there's this awesome line in the movie, "Love is a socially acceptable form of insanity."

Man is that true from the world's perspective. Love is truly not dependent on the beloved, but the lover. When one submits their heart to it there's a debt that must be paid...and that same understanding sent Jesus to the cross. For the hope that we would one day choose Him, Jesus risked it all.

It's crazy in the natural mind and completely normal for the super natural mind.

I'm embracing being normal to God! And that it's His opinion that really matters.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 30

Michaela's Next Big Thing

Super special guest V-logger today...Michaela!
She is starting her weekly promotions...and of course...having fun!

Like her Facebook page here :-)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 29

Morning Meds, Day 29

You've just gotta love unexpected blessings. I think that very phrase could define my summer. 
A career I thought I wanted to leave which is now bringing me such life and joy. ..
An abundance of friends that after I talk to them life makes sense again. ..
Getting locked out of my car turning into an anointed prayer session for the mistreated and disgruntled locksmith. ..
Deeper relationships with my children as I watch them blossom. ..
What are your unexpected blessings today?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Morning Meds 28

              3rd Party Counsel

Have you ever not wanted to do something, but then you didn't want to not do it either? (Excuse all the negatives.)
When this happened to me recently I was so happy to have 3rd party counsel to take my decision to. And not just any 3rd party, but the one who created the universe. How privileged are we to know from Isaiah 11:2 that the spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might has come to us!
Now all I have to do is decide to trust His wisdom. As my Pastor says, "Decision stops the confusion."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 26

Sparrow, Part 4

I was happy to take a break from my little Sparrow friend last week because, quite frankly, it's not my favorite topic. However, it is the definition of where I'm at and what I'm learning, and today I am literally practicing what I'm preaching at the same time!

Hebrews 12:2 says "looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right of the throne of God." He did it so we knew we'd have to as well. When I think of having to endure something, I know I'm going to have to watch out for my attitude. By "despising the shame," literally turning up our nose at the humility of our state, we pull from deeper purposes and broader visions. This is the nature of spirituality. Seeing the unseen like Jesus did.

My prayer today is that God would clean my internal glasses. That He would enable me to violently close my eyes to the world around me to see and hear with my heart.  Jesus didn't stay on the cross or in the grave...what men think is your final hour is your re-birthing canal. And I will endure sparrow living and fly on its wings to the other side.


Click here for past editions of Morning Meds and the rest of the Sparrow series

Click here to see my new website

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 24

How Much More
Sparrow Living--Part 3

I have a number of awesome friends, but one in particular has shaped my year.

Lee Ann Piano teaches something called Vision Driven Success. Though I have heard of athletes that see themselves performing at high levels and then manifesting that very thing, I've never thought to apply it to my own life and dreams. 

In the actual doing of it I will say it's harder than it would appear. You actually get to simulate your life and approach, your deepest fears of success and what you feel worthy and capable of. It's pretty heady stuff. I haven't attempted it without the safety belt of prayer...but wow is it worth it! 

This is where I'm learning "how much more" God wants to care for me than the sparrow and "how much more" He wants to adorn me over the lilies of the field.  Never have I been more sure, and never has fear had less grip on me when it comes to this.

I want to highly recommend Lee Ann's training and applying this principle to your life.

Sparrows may be a lowly little bird, but God cares for them and if they can fly...So can we!

And I've got one more bird up my sleeve...

Click here to see my new website

Click here for past editions of Morning Meds and the rest of the Sparrow series

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