Saturday, November 1, 2014

Joy and Pain

Morning Meds 2.11

Joy and Pain

Some of you may remember the song from the turned snappy title for this week's blog!

When I opened the nightstand drawer on my last day of Canadian bliss (more on that later) my heart leapt as I saw this old-fashioned relic with the timeless message.
Intending to do my devotional time, I instead turned to the first page (pictured here) and was blessed by another timeless story. The Gideons sacrificed both finances and reputation to see that a Bible would be placed in every hotel that would have them and I was inspired once again.

I believe there were actually people I inspired in this very hotel, to pick up and open their copies and today my joy humbles me. At the same time I contemplate the pain of this fact: I was the first person to open my copy of this Bible. And though I hope the people that have stayed in this room before perhaps used their Bible app as I did this week, the reality is that most people don't know how to extract wisdom from the pages as I've been taught.

So I share with you my today's Dear Diary entry, as accountability that I too will share the timeless truths and lessons that I have been blessed with to a world that may not have met the Author of the unopened love letter in their hotel rooms.


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