Funambulism (how's that for a cool word!) is the art of teetering, or tightrope walking, if you will. It's foremost artist is Nik Wallenda, and if you're a Chicagoan, you surely know that he successfully walked between the Marina Towers here this week.
I love to speak about this model of balance that this art creates for a life well lived. Last night I learned a new lesson associated with balanced living...Patience. The broadcast began at 6, but we didn't know when the 8 minutes of walking would begin. I waited on a nearby rooftop about an hour and a half to see it.
Wallenda says "Life is on the wire, everything else is just waiting." Waiting for conditions to be right, waiting for our focus to be clear, waiting for the safety precautions to be securely in place.
I know something of this waiting for life. It's hard to envision yourself in a fulfilling relationship without a picture to put in that place. So I think God gave me a bookmark to save my place in this book of life for the last year and a half, but looking at a bookmark isn't the same as reading/writing your story. It seems most fitting then, that on the night I got to see my hero live, I got to take some of my first steps. I'm no longer waiting. I too am living on the wire!

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