Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 20

Morning Meds, Day 20
Shout out to (Self) Kindness

It’s never fun to lose a part of yourself, I’ve done that before; but it does create a cool kind of Prodigal Son moment (Luke 15) when you reunite with that part of you. You can also find how that part of you is necessary to fuel some other parts of you.
For me recently that part was self-kindness. Some of us do nice things for ourselves, but how many of us talk nicely about ourselves, console ourselves, practice self-forgiveness and understanding? Normally I do, but a series of circumstances which I started to read as a consequence got me disappointed in myself; and for some reason I thought it would be ok to think negatively about myself.
Just as we tell our children, there is never a good reason to be unkind. Even if we have something to fix in our lives, the ends do not justify the means of getting there. We can be firm, we can set boundaries for ourselves, but we don’t have to be unkind. When I practice unkindness I talk to myself in ways I wouldn’t talk to anyone else. I believe Jesus said to love others the way we love ourselves because eventually, we will begin to treat others the unkind ways we’re treating ourselves…and a lot of this happens under the radar.
Another important issue is that if there’s a problem between us and God we can fix it by going to Him and asking for forgiveness or help. God forgives and responds in love quickly, but if we’re unkind to ourselves, we might be the reason we don’t feel His forgiveness and love.
So I’ve recommitted to self-kindness and it is an awesome reunion. It fuels my joy and my peace and I’ve seen it send many on an beautiful journey of healing in their souls.

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