Monday, September 29, 2014

Write Now!

Morning Meds 2.6

I used to just write these Morning Meds when I "felt the inspiration hit," which is why sometimes I would miss a week and they wouldn't come out until the following Sunday. My writing has become more disciplined and I'm excited about that because there are other areas of my life that are looking to see me win at this. 

If you're in a business, you can't just wait until you feel like it to market it, you have to take advantage of the marketing channels provided and go for it. As an ambassador for Jesus, sometimes I'm called upon when I'm not feeling it, to speak on His behalf...and I want to be available at all times for Him. 

Now is much better than never, and isn't it great to finally beat the disappointment and get it done write now!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Odds in Your Favor

Morning Meds 2.5

Research has shown that company trainings paired with coaching prove 300% more effective than trainings without. (Leadership Coaching, Stoltzfus) This proves the huge impact of accountability and working together. 

This week I got to make good on my coaching slogan "helping people achieve their 90 day goals in 30 days." In just 3 weeks I was able to help a client achieve goals that had eluded her for years. I am certain that with an additional 60 days of accountability that our sessions call for, she will find that she has made a lifestyle change and not a momentary breakthrough.

I want to encourage you to get accountability on your most important goals and see the 300% effectiveness tip the scales in your favor!

PS. Looking for some awesome forward thinkers to partner with? Check out Lonnetta Albright's upcoming leadership conference featuring John Maxwell!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morning Meds 2.4

Morning Meds 2.4
How May I Help You?

As many of you know, I’ve spent the last year intentionally forming relationships in order to build a business. I’ve also attempted to connect more with you through these weekly blogs. And if I have your number you may have noticed I’m calling a bit more. I’m in a season of connections and in the process I’ve realized I know some of the most talented and caring people, people with vision and purpose. It is my desire now that my network would be your network…
So what do you need? Do you need childcare? Help to start a business? Marketing ideas? I want to connect you with people I can personally vouch for, many of whose services I’ve used myself. I also know some tremendous prayer warriors, so if you just need agreement in prayer I’ve got your back on that too! We are seeing mountains moved!
Hit reply…private message me…comment below if you feel ok doing that. Whatever you’d like. This week I’ve just got to be all about you, and I can’t say thank you enough for all the support you all have given me over this year.

Saturday, September 6, 2014