Friday, February 26, 2016

Welcome Home

Morning Meds 4.30
I think I've been kind of transparent lately. It may not surprise many of my close followers that my brain has been...well...under the weather lately. I mean it STINKS when you don't feel like yourself! A lot of challenges have been thrown my way and when I got squeezed, the impurities came out! Insecurities, whiny-ness, and doubt. I mean as ugly as can be. And I just felt like my brain wasn't providing a comfortable home for me. It was great being busy, but the end of the day what awaited me was like a bed of glass. But as I turned this pain over to God and cried with my best friend (what a winning combination), SLOWLY, the shards of glass provided a mirror to show me my not-so-awesomeness AND...what's that in the corner, HOPE, a bright future, things coming together! Proving once again God can do anything and faith, like a mustard seed can come through the thickest concrete of life. And, for what it's worth, some of our greatest learnings and lessons, come through pain. (I think it's ok to hope it's different in heaven :))

Felicity Joy

White Privilege?

Morning Meds 4.29
Been thinking about privilege lately. I love the what the idea of "white privilege" has added to the conversation surrounding racial justice. Very little progress would have ever been made in the civil rights of our country without a cross racial effort, from abolition to the 1960s.

And the same applies now. But I love the idea that no difference can be made in any movement if those who have privileges, benefits and blessings don't get in the trenches with those that don't have them. From the fight to end domestic violence, bullying or the trafficking of children, each cause takes those unaffected to become involved for real progress to be made.

And if you've been unaffected, you are privileged. But everyone has been impacted by something and so we can understand each injustice.
By laying down our privilege in one area, we allow someone else to shore us up in our weakness.

My time spent "making a difference" this week on the phone for a candidate I believe in impacted me strongly, and I think that is the hidden secret that keeps active volunteers going. May it encourage you to start or continue in bringing more privileges to those you care about. 


Monday, February 15, 2016

A Time To Speak

Morning Meds 4.28
Oh, there it is!
There beneath the rubble of doubt
The stones of insecurity
and the bricks of unforeseen circumstances.
A little mussed
With the dirt of human frailty scattered on it
But that's it for sure!

My voice

The next time I'm caught in a tornado of disappointment
If I can only grab one thing before everything else flies away
It'll be you.

Thank goodness I kept my shovel of hope nearby
which I used to unearth you.
And faith, being the goal of all hope,
Comes by me using my voice
to speak God's Words.

Nice to have you back because
There is a time to be quiet.
There is also a time to speak.



Goodness Unchanging

Morning Meds 4.27
One of my favorite things to do when I'm discouraged is to remember that no matter how I estimate myself, God is good. He is reliable and unchanging. When you're going through a lot of changes and can only see part of the picture that is so comforting! Self esteem is OK. But faith, or God confidence is reliable (and incidentally, can lead you right back to healthy self-esteem!)


Coach, Encourage Thyself!

Morning Meds 4.26
It happens to the best of us...David in the Bible, veritable king of the good attitude when Saul was trying to kill him, found himself discouraged when his men and their families took a huge hit during a battle.
I can relate. Recently my life has done a bit of a cannonball into the sea of life, but the part that got me most upset was the possibility and reality of disappointing others that I care about.
I also heard that it's possible that Paul’s (also from the Bible) thorn in the flesh was actually worry about the church. It's always those darn “other people” that get us off course right?
Probably not, because if “they” get their act together, someone else will lose it to make up for it. No, the answer is with us and one of my favorite scriptures, “And David encouraged himself in the Lord.” 1 Samuel 30:6
So I've become my most important client these days. I'm paying myself and everything! Just kidding...but the reward is not just a better attitude, but stronger faith for facing these challenges and learning from them.




Morning Meds 4.25
Hey ya’ll! I've got my first guest blogger! I'm so excited! Not only is she a great friend and faithful worshipper at my church, but she's also the one who makes my blog look pretty and professional each week. Would love to hear about your 2016 word...but you Believe?
Believe by Tina Tate
My word for 2016 is BELIEVE!  

Believe as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as accepting something as true, genuine, or real; to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something.

I, as many, see the New Year approaching and make a list of resolutions.  Did you know that statistics report that only 8% of people who make resolutions achieve them?  It was news to me so I asked "why"?  Why don't we achieve those resolutions?

I wholeheartedly include myself in the group that does not make it to the finish line.  I chalk it up to not being organized, not being prepared, work schedules, kid's schedules, etc.  But if I am really honest with myself, the reason that I don't achieve these resolutions is belief. Even though in January, I'm pumped up, enthusiastic and running out the gate like gangbusters...I found that my lack of belief overtakes my enthusiasm and leaves those resolutions in the dust.

So in 2016 I'm trying a new approach, before I write my resolutions, before I get hyped up. I'm going to spend some time believing, by accepting that I am going to reach each and every resolution I make. As I believe I will gain the conviction in my ability to reach them. By believing that I am fully equipped to handle any obstacles, setbacks, and get back on track until I reach the finish line.

Then I'm going to go a step further.  Once I'm set in my belief, I'm going to make these resolutions a way of life.  If what I'm trying to achieve is good for me, good for my body, good for my way of life, why would I incorporate them for only a period of time.
As you start the New Year, I challenge you to dare to BELIEVE, that you will do this year what you have resolved to do. And when you have obstacles and setbacks you'll get back on track, reach the finish line and create the lifestyle that you desire.

All Things Are Possible If We Believe!


Win Win Win!

Morning Meds 4.24
This is my 2016 philosophy! I'm so excited about living out my one word FAMILY this year. In fact, if you have a word you would like to share with me for the year I would love to hear it! I love the one word thing because you can actually remember it all year.

I realized that in order for me to insist that every situation is a win-win I needed to be motivated. I am more motivated to see others win so sometimes I would completely lose focus on myself because I was so focused on them.

All of this sounds great until you start to lose. ..and hey it's my own fault on top of it! What I like about WIN WIN WIN is that if I'm in a situation where I win and another person wins then God's will for my life also wins!
May God win in your life in 2016 in a ton of ways!

Ground Beneath My Feet

Morning Meds 4.23
There's always a shifting during holiday season...we go into celebration mode. And then inevitably people talk about the other shift when January 1 has ended and we go “back to the real world.”
Before we get to that, it is my prayer that you allow holiday mode to speak to you in a way that brings a shift, no matter how small, to the rest of your life. The reason for celebrations is to not allow “business as usual” to take over your consciousness.
Embrace the season and the changes...and pay attention to how the ground moves beneath your feet.

The Flight of the Hummingbird

Morning Meds 4.22
Your thoughts are not my thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

If you think really differently from most people around you. ..even if it's in one area. Embrace that. You may be a key to the world understanding the mind of God a bit more.

As a unique thinker myself, I find this particularly comforting. And as I listened to this video from the Super Soul series this week I was reminded of my commitment to championing the odd one out, the ones who don't conform, who think differently and do things in an unusual pattern.
I never thought that by so doing I could be bringing the thoughts of God here on earth.

So when you listen to this just know that I am a jack-hammering hummingbird. And I'd love to hear what you learned about yourself too. (PS. My favorite part of the video is all the shots of the audience. Lots of healing and revelation going on. It was a connection Celebration!)

                              View Video

Is Anger Enough?

Morning Meds 4.21
I heard the question asked yesterday, “What is the most misunderstood passage in the Bible?” Actually, I think that would make a great book (hint, hint to my Pastor). I would put in a vote for Ephesians 4:26 which says “Be angry and do not sin.” I actually heard someone talk about how anger is a sin. But the verse says to “be angry,” written like a command.

How can that be? Well, the Bible lists several things that God hates Proverbs 6:16-19, and He says that we should align our thoughts with His thoughts in Romans 12:1 and 2. When the things God hates show up, it will evoke anger.

The reason people call anger a sin is that often people sin when they are angry. The Bible encourages us to resist that response. We can be angry and have good things happen, like the conviction of murderers that had been covered up, as happened in the city of Chicago this past week. We can also be angry and destroy property and scare people that may not need to be scared, and that also happened this weekend.

So the question is not if anger is good or bad, the question is, what do you mix your anger with? Anger by itself is not enough. On it’s own, anger will lead to destruction. However, anger mixed with hope is incredibly powerful. If you get angry this week, notice what is coming along with it. If you need to find some hope to mix with it, next week we’ll talk about some practical places to find it..