Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nowhere to Hide

Morning Meds 3.6
Nowhere to Hide

A new business colleague of mine just posted this, "it seems like several people are on a mission to destroy my self esteem..." To which I replied "Welcome to entreprenuership. Where there's nowhere to hide..." What I meant was, we are our businesses. The hits that we take and refuse to let go of, are the hits our businesses will definitely take.
But I hope you know I didn't leave her there! "There's nowhere to hide, but there's lots of love for you to run to when you're ready. You are loved by many."

I hope that you remember for the hits that you take, that many people have your back. Today at any moment either you need someone or someone needs you. Let's open ourselves up to that today.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Morning Meds Mashup

Morning Meds 3.5
You may have noticed my new program offering for Network Marketers called My Network Marketing Mashup. I was thinking about the word "mashup" and how at times, life may feel like it's trying to crush us and mash us into pieces. Have you ever had a strong feeling like that and realized later that you were very wrong?  You realize that those uncomfortable  feelings were signs of you growing and stretching.
We hope that our work with direct sales people will help to blend the best of their company with the best of who they are. That we will push and stretch them beyond the comfort zones of their companies to the develop support within the industry.
My mashup wish for you is that you could blend the best of who you will be with the best of who you are right now and enjoy the journey!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Cloudy with a Chance of the Son

Morning Meds 3.4

Cloudy with a Chance of  the Son

Have you ever had a cloud hanging over you but didn't realize it until it lifted? I just had that happen to me. I was telling a friend I've been experiencing increased Son-shine (or connection to God) and I didn't know how much I needed it. As an encourager, I always try to retrace my steps to see if I've contributed to the troubles, especially if I can prevent that in someone else's life.
I've lived pretty clean and disciplined for several years but I don't think I recognized the value until I let some of those disciplines slip. It's got me very excited about re-tuning my character because I don't believe in going backward, but going forward into those old disciplines with new appreciation and energy.
What are those things you need to revalue about yourself? Life has enough storms without us contributing to them, don't you think?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Way

Morning Meds 3.3

The Way

When it comes to your destiny, I often tell my clients that you can choose the destination, but the way is largely determined by God. I say largely because Proverbs 16:9 indicates that "A man plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps." No plan, no direction.  Haven't you found this to be true in your life? But too often we abandon planning because it doesn't go exactly the way we thought. Now that you know this Proverb, that should help right? It's not going to go the way you think it should. As long as you end up in the place God puts on your heart then it doesn't matter right? So be persistent, be downright stubborn about seeing your dreams come true and letting go of "the way."

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sustainability In Seasons

Morning Meds 3.2 Live 

Sustainability In Seasons

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Legacy of Eve

Morning Meds 3.1

The Legacy of Eve

The history of women is a bit tainted, if you believe it begins with Eve. I got a fresh perspective on her at the last Single Mom'sSaturday.  It wasn't until after the forbidden fruit incident that Eve was named. At that time her role was changed to be "the mother of all living," (Genesis 3:20) which is what her name means. Our awesome speaker, Joyce Butler, said that not only do women have the responsibility to birth life into the earth in the form of babies, but also, when we see death we can choose to speak life. In fact, the word "inspire" means to "breathe life into."
Now that's a legacy to be proud of! What situations need your "life support" today? Breathe the breath of life from your mouth today.