Thursday, September 29, 2016

Obama's America

Morning Meds 5.16

Dr. Felicity Joy
WARNING ***This is not a political message.*** In fact, you would probably be disappointed if you knew who I voted for the last couple of we’re just not going there. But you’d have to be blind not to see the changes in America the last 8 years. And no matter if you’re shaking your head or shouting HOORAH, there’s an inspiring way to look at these changes that have to do with my life’s mission.
I discovered about myself, throughout the variety that is the only constant in my career landscape, a life coach/community organizer/drama teacher/singer/actor/dancer (oh my!) that one thing that binds them all together is my commitment to the underdog. If you are truly disenfranchised or just see yourself that way, I’m the one who is committed to bringing the JOY back into your life (pun fully intended).
My message is always one of empowerment; just like Obama said, “Yes YOU can!” And under his presidency the disenfranchised have found a voice. Taboo things and things thought to be wrong are now commonly accepted. And the reason I’ve come to recognize the beauty in this is because it lies at the heart of what made me a coach. I’ve been laughed at, belittled, abused and oppressed and quite frankly, it’s made me the warrior-princess that I am.
We have a choice of what hardships will do to us. I cringe when people say, “Awww what a shame that had to happen.” Every experience is an opportunity to transform! I want to be that catalyst and I’m calling heart-centered people to utilize their compassion, their strengths and communication skills to create opportunities instead of “feel sorry for” people. What difference can one person make? What difference can one small business owner make?
Let’s find out! Adopt the mantra “Yes I can” and turn your world upside down! How you say? Well, as a coach I'm fundamentally committed to staying out of people's hows. Because how doesn't matter as much as you committing to the bottom line of what you want to see changed.
Don't be afraid to dream of a better society.  Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King is not the only one who can have a dream!  Then commit to the dream, not to the worry that says how-will-that-ever-happen. But you must make a plan of what you will do next.  It's like putting the destination in the GPS. Then just let the little lady called “life” direct you to the open doors that will lead you to your goal!
The world needs more people that will commit to being the fulfilment of Dr. King’s dream just as Barack Obama represents; as well as people that will expand that dream with their own vision of a better America and a better life. 

Rising To The Occasion

Morning Meds Day 5.15


Today will be another Coach’s Coaches reflection as I’ve had two incredible sessions with two different coaches this week. First was with the coach I’ve hired Marianne Renner who is a phenomenal new coach whose business is just exploding and rightfully so. With her I’m working on maintaining work-life balance with my exploding business and she is getting to figure it out two steps ahead of me which is perfect because she’s crazy sympathetic.
She gave me a phenomenal book recommendation, The Power of Full Engagement. It’s about managing energy and not time. That’s precisely what I’m figuring out without really knowing too much about it. I love learning more so I can be intentional in what I’m doing. And as I learn more I will be sharing it with you.
My second awesome friend is someone I just met on the day I REALLY needed to meet her. I was freaking out about the largest speech I’ve ever had to give coming up and I just couldn’t ground myself. She helped me to see that I’m in a place of needing to rise to this occasion and go to the next level but I have to pass through my present insecurity to get there. She masterfully guided me through the yuck to get to the clearing. My task at this big speaking engagement is not to emulate my greatest hero, but to bring hope to the hopeless which I’ve done a thousand times on an individual and group level, so I can totally do it with a huge group just as well. Many thanks Laurie Polinski!
David from the Bible said, “I’ve killed the lion, and I’ve killed the bear, and I will now take off the head of this uncircumcised Philistine!” And I also will not let communities be riddled by fear just as I won’t let my clients be consumed either.
Thank you awesome coaches and awesome you for letting me share my journey with you! And if you can join me in Lockport I would so enjoy your prayers and support.

Tony Robbins Reflections

Morning Meds 5.14 Live!

Dr. Felicity Joy

What Makes Life #Matter

Morning Meds 5.12
I've been pretty outspoken since the events in Dallas, if you've missed it I invite you to check out my most popular and my favorite videos from the week. If you have a way of sharing them, I'm happy to say that my perspective has been helping people.

Video 1                               
   Click Here                        

Video 2
 Click Here
Dr. Felicity Joy

Happy Belated Independence Day

Morning Meds 5.11
I was awakened at 3am this morning, I thought to pray, but instead I was led in patriotic songs. "God Bless America," into "Proud to be an American," into "The Star Spangled Banner," and again and again and again. Then I learned all the words to Lee Greenwood's famous song (which I've yet to make it through without crying), and I repented for years of not being proud to be an American. 
I was then given the outline to a speech that I plan on giving throughout schools to help students take their place in Civil Rights history and create an atmosphere of self-determination against all odds.

Because America is an idea, and the idea is this: you can exchange who you were for who you were created to be. And many have come to this country and done just that, and just as many have been born here and have missed the opportunity. 
So it's time to be an American. And if you want to make America great again then you must be great. Period.
Dr. Felicity Joy

Free to Be Me

Morning Meds 5.10
I was featured in a blog this week called 30 Days of Gorgeous!
What an honor! Please check it out and consider subscribing to the blog from Toma Photography. She's improving the self esteem of women everywhere! (And I can get you my special discount...just ask!)

Felicity Joy

Friday, June 17, 2016

Guest Blogger

Morning Meds 5.9
Guess who's coming to dinner? Me!
With all the tragedies of 2016, I had to come to you once again this week with my friend, Seth Tower Hurd's incredible perspective.

Felicity Joy
Written By Seth TowerHurd
"As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
I've been out of the loop since Sunday's terrorist attack, due to the loss of my grandmother. So, take it with a grain of salt that these words are penned with a heavy heart.
Here's what the Orlando attack taught us...we're screwed.
Not because of radical Islam. Not because of gun laws. Or Democrats. Or Republicans.
But because Abraham Lincoln's words have become prophecy. From a speech in 1838:
"All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."
Chase Strangio of the American Civil Liberties Union blames "The Christian Right."
The The Kansas City Star's editor says people in the National Rifle Association should be "plunged into everlasting hell."
Think Progress blames "toxic masculinity."
As a Christian, a registered Republican, and a member of the NRA, and someone who's "masculine" (I actually think I'm a very sensitive guy, but I hunt, fish, have tattoos, box, etc), what am I supposed to make of this?
If there's something I feel solidarity with the LGBTQ Nation with, it's the fact that I truly don't believe I can be 100% myself and be accepted, at least where I currently live.
The bottom line is that I have to keep my head down, and choke back my opinions in one of America's most liberal cities, or I will lose money. A good chunk of money.
On the other hand, I have a pretty good idea of why a lot of people hate people like me when I saw Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick's tweet about the victims of the Orlando attack getting what they deserved hours after the attack.
I can't even fathom how messed up you have to be, and how deep your dysfunction (maybe psychosis) goes to tweet out something like that.
So here I stand, seeing this season as different than any political anger we've had before...we now live in a place where the news media and many average joes typing furiously on their keyboards, do not want us to find common ground.
And I don't know how that gets fixed. The only thing I can think of is "maybe if the attack was worse." Of course, I don't want one more parent or brother or sister or friend...but you've got to admit, 9/11 brought us together. Made us want to be better men and women.
And so Lincoln is proven right. We are the world's lone superpower...and the rest of world's the armies combined could not likely penetrate to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
"If destruction must be our lot, we ourselves must be it's author and finisher."
It seems like we've written the first page of the book of destruction in 2016.
But there's a way to tear up that page. It's called being a neighbor. Caring. Hanging out with people who are different than you.
Here's the thing. You can't have my guns. And if you could, it wouldn't make you safer. And I'm not admitting some sort of weird peripheral guilt over a Jihad-obsessed whack job who butchered his fellow man in the name of Allah.
You can't have my guns, and you can't make me feel guilty...but you can come over for dinner. Straight or gay. Red or blue. Muslim or atheist or Christian or Jew.
In fact, Amanda and I have had all of the above over for dinner during our 15 months of marriage, save the Muslim (I don't know if there are any Muslim's in Kenosha).
If this country is to heal, it's going to happen one dinner, one backyard hang, one handshake and one smile at a time.
If you think that's crazy, or overly idealistic, then you try it your way. Let me know how well hating the other side goes for you (whatever that other side is).
When you're done with that, we usually eat around six. Just let me know you're coming over.


Morning Meds Live - Fireside Chat Edition

Morning Meds 5.8 Live!
Morning Meds Live! (Fireside Chat edition)
Click to View
Click here to sign up to receive Sunny Days a monthly spin-off from Morning Meds. 

Felicity Joy

God is Goofy?

Morning Meds 5.7
I was telling my friend a silly way I’ve taken up describing myself sometimes, and she said. “No, that doesn’t represent you because you’re so spiritual!” Which caused me to reflect, “I see my light-hearted nature as a part of my spirituality!”
I’ve been seeing this more and more as I look over my relationships and the people I admire. The people I learn from are fairly serious in their teaching style, but my closest friends are kind of goofy, thus enabling them to be around ME! So that includes those of you reading this. (Well, I do have some friends that aren’t goofy, but they tend to laugh a lot, and I like to imagine it’s because of me!)
So the thing is, God is all about life and death subjects, but the only way not to annoy everyone, from my perspective, is to take life very seriously...but not yourself! And NO I don’t think God is goofy...but I think He likes me too!
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Psalm 2:4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs...
Felicity Joy

Push It

Morning Meds 5.6
One of my friends described someone he knows as a work horse. I was immediately envious. I am so not like that!!! Why do we always want to be something we're not! People with curly hair want straight hair, people with straight hair want I just cut all mine off!

But these issue are hard to avoid. Another thing I have desired in the past, was a life that was just about one thing. Like how someone knows when they're 5 that they want to be a writer and that's what they're doing. I've become more comfortable in my multi-talent, multi-focus, but now I am working on loving my pace and being understanding about where I'm at.

Being hard on myself has never accomplished anything. Only the Holy Spirit identifying an issue and helping me work on it. I'm pushing myself to believe in myself. I'm pushing myself into God's arms. Let's go together!

Felicity Joy

We'll Sleep When We're Dead

Morning Meds 5.5

Have you ever heard that expression? If you have, it was probably from someone REALLY excited about what they were doing in their lives. So excited that they forgot the fact that we're not actually going to sleep when we're dead because we'll just be transitioning to another place. (But that's another story...)
And that's how I like to be and that's where I'm at in my life right now, feeling pretty limitless and so thankful to God. Why you ask? The answer is in a BRAND NEW newsletter I'm starting chronicling my journey that I'm calling Sunny Days--From the Couch to the Castle. Sound interesting? Click here to sign up to receive this bi-weekly spin-off from Morning Meds. (I'll send it to you as soon as I finish writing it!)
Anyway, I heard a quote last night that nothing ever happens until someone gets excited. I think that's true. Though we may not live in complete excitement all the time, I think it's good to pursue it. And you can't fake it, because this is an inside job. Commit yourself to the inner work it takes to unearth your passion and believe that in every area of your life, Sunny Days are ahead. 

Felicity Joy

Friday, April 22, 2016

Gone Too Soon

Morning Meds 5.4

I hope you'll indulge me. I don't believe in idols, American or otherwise, my trust is in God, but three people who remind me of some very good moments in my childhood are now gone. I think this prayer from Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson III is incredibly honorable on this occasion.

A prayer for anyone called to greatness and visibility on a large scale: 
Lord, don't let my calling kill me, my influence ruin me or the crowd be my demise. Teach me pace, give me grace and help me finish well!!!!!! Teach me to manage the pressures of my purpose. Give me the wisdom to say "no", the courage to say "yes" and discernment to know whose really for me. Help me to govern my platform and steward my gifts and let me die when I'm very very old! In Jesus name!!!!!
Felicity Joy                                                         

"Sorry" Like Bieber

Morning Meds 5.3
Ever since I started this Reconciliation group on Facebook about America's Racial Climate, I find myself apologizing a lot! I do think apologies are way underrated as are relationships. In fact, that's probably part of why I apologize so much.

People don't really address offenses directly and if I think I've hurt someone I have to check in. And the Bible says God doesn't even want my offering if I don't! (Matthew 5:24)

It still feels weird though, in a good way. It's great to get the full story when my mind was stuck in wonder woman mode trying to figure it out.

But we need to care for our relationships. It's so important to God, He created us all and You'll feel such pleasure from Him when you do everything you can to live at peace with others.

Felicity Joy

What's Eating You?

Morning Meds 5.2
What's Eating You? 
Recently I've been more committed to healthy eating than ever before. I notice the effect on my body and mental state. I've also been practicing some mindful eating strategies. One of them is listening to myself chew. It slows me down and somehow lets me know when I'm full. The interesting thing about slowing down when I eat, make food choices and grocery shop, is being able to hear all the mind games that go on surrounding these things. Hearing all the lies and unhelpful thoughts really underscores that it's all "in your head." I'm thankful to be more in alignment with what will ultimately help me feel better and that I'm not only feeding my body better, but I'm cutting out the "junk food" my brain was consuming as well.
*Check out my friend that inspired me to slow down in all things food related. 

Felicity Joy