Monday, November 24, 2014

Strategy for Falling

Morning Meds 2.14

Strategy For Falling
Support lines

I love it when people say I'm strong. It gives me an opportunity to set the record straight. I always say that I am not strong, but I have very good support.

Thinking about my hero Nik Wallenda, people always try to add to his stunts to make them seem more believable, I've heard he's actually wearing a parachute, or there's invisible nets or support lines. Nik Wallenda said his only strategy for falling was to cling to the rope itself and hope for the best. That's all we can do if we live a fearless life of risk-taking, which I have chosen to do. But we should have some kind of plan.

A Proverb states that, "a man plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps." Can we presume then that if you don't plan, God won't give direction? That seems 100% true in the lives of my clients.

On my tight rope journey of late I've had to cling to the rope of my supporters, trading the love of someone who no longer is committed to me for those whose love is only growing brighter for me through the years.

I've also found music to be an important strategy for me. I tripled my music budget to help get me through this season, when no one answers on the other end of the phone, songs are always there as my friends reminding me of Love's constant presence.

What about you? Even if you're undefeated like Nik Wallenda, do you have a strategy for if you fall? Keep it simple so you can remember and meditate on it even when you're despairing or confused. My one sentence to take me into my next season, "I chose joy!" (It's a good choice.)

"If you're not receiving Morning Meds every week, click here to sign up and get your free audio message by Felicity,  "Keys for Sustainable Living."

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