Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Morning Meds, Day 4

Upper Level ... "Stuff"

I was able to attach here my second favorite scene from Men In Black, since YouTube doesn't seem to have my first favorite, which took place, I believe, right before this one.  In it Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones' characters are riding in the elevator of headquarters for the first time, and Will Smith's character surmises astutely, "There's some upper level *!?/ going on here." That's probably my favorite movie line ever, depending on when you ask me, but at anytime it would be in my top 5.  There are things beyond the surface of this life, stuff you're not going to see unless you scratch the surface or dig a little.

And that's what the scene I have included is about. It's about how being a digger, separates you from people who want to believe that everything they need to know is served up to them conveniently, with dinner, on the 6 o'clock news.  Today I'm here to say, sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes even the things that make the news aren't heavily publicized, so I'm giving some pub today to a company that I believe in and some info I think you need to know. With the movie clip everything would take you about 8 min. of your life to watch, and I respect every second.  Let me know if you'd like more information

...This message will self destruct in 5..4..3... (I always wanted to say that!)

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