Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Coach's Coaches

Morning Meds 4.15

The Coach's Coaches

My daughter laughed at me the other day when I was telling her something about my coach. She said, "Why does the coach need a coach? You could save money and just talk to yourself!" The wisdom of a 13 year old will never cease to amaze.
In fact, that is the strategy most people employ. They just work problems out themselves or with people who think mostly like they do (their friends or others they find easy to talk to.) However, the world's most successful people spend a heck of a lot more money than I do (yet) on coaching. It's kind of like the fast track to reading a book, and access to the personalization of the lessons, toward your situation.
This month is gratitude month at our church, and I wanted to say thank you to my coaches. Michelle Smith, of Z&B Consulting, has an impressive pedigree of helping high level companies with their marketing. She now helps small businesses act like big companies. She definitely makes me feel like a big dog!
Roddric Smith, Sims Coaching Group, is the entrepreneur's reality coach, who considers himself equally successful when he convinces someone NOT to start a business. Right now, he gives my financial goals the accountability and reality check I need.
Miriam Irwey, New Life Achievements Coaching, is an awesome life coach who specializes in women in later transitional stages of life--divorce, empty nesting, menopause... To me she's an objective ear with a perspective just different enough from my own to ask questions that push me.
And then there's Johnny Goplin, electrician by trade, my best friend by design. I've just discovered he is INCREDIBLY encouraging when I'm down. This, my friends, is tough to do. I try not to be, but I'm pretty picky with my encouragement. It's not just enough to believe in me, but this English major wants it said a certain way. And hey, you got it dude. Right combination for my padlocked heart.

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